“You can be a mom and a wife and still have the business that you’ve dreamed of, without sacrificing your marriage or your dreams. All you need are systems to help you.”
- Danette Moss
And you can do it without the support from the people you think your supposed to get it from (Loved ones – i.e: spouse, family, close friends).
Smack dab in the middle of a strategy session with one of my favorite coaches/mentors I was told that I was operating my business at surface level.
I was like OUCH!!!
She reminded me that God never told me to lose my identity. He chose me to help other wives and mothers just like me that were struggling in private but want to profit in public. Who best to help them than someone who really understood their pain points. Someone that has gone through what they are going through and have learned how to push through it with God’s grace and help.
It’s time to GetYourSASSOn™ in your business
Strategic + Action + Signature + Systems = SASS